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Pitch, Click, Sold!
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Pitch, Click, Sold!

With no end in sight to the pandemic, many people are still not meeting in person or have taken the introvert approach of staying remote. These changes though have allowed people to become more comfortable in virtual settings and appreciate the flexible meeting times without worry about securing locations.

With this increase in screen time by potential customers, an online presence is even more critical for all types of businesses. A significant majority of organic searches come from Google - around 90% for worldwide search engine market share. One of the first steps any company MUST take, is to establish a free Google My Business account along with a Google Business Profile - even if you do not have a website.

A Google Business Profile is open to consumers to leave reviews, add photos, and to add/answer questions. Keep in mind that as a business owner, you do not have the ability to manage the information on the Profile.

When you create a free Google My Business account, you will be able to highlight and provide specific information about your business, track clicks, add photos, interact with customers, and incorporate keywords for search engine optimization. For companies with products to showcase, Google My Business also offers a product editor to allow for pricing details and photos, which in turn leads to virtual selling.

Virtual selling is becoming an integral part of our new sales strategy. Buyers are now needing to make important financial decisions without physically meeting their suppliers. Cold calling by walking into someone’s office is difficult but sending cold emails, while competing with an inbox brimming with mail, can prove to be more challenging. In this remote world, email has become prioritized once again. Finding the right messaging to generate high open rates is key along with engaging and personalized content.

Effective in-person traditional sales tools may not translate seamlessly to a virtual medium. The time to build trust and rapport is condensed, so mastering a shorter sales presentation (a virtual elevator pitch) is essential. You want to be prepared so you do not waste your prospect’s time. People behave differently in remote selling scenarios and are more easily distracted.

Pre-recorded videos are of a greater interest to readers these days. There are numerous low-cost video sales tools available for companies that require little experience. Personal videos are a way to separate your company from the crowd. Videos that incorporate props and humor bring an authenticity to your sales presentation.

A high speed, stable internet connection with clear crisp sound and a high-quality web camera is essential. The goal is to be remembered for the video’s insightful, impactful and relevant content, instead of “can you hear me now” and other virtual mistakes. The most creative and engaging video will be rendered ineffective if your content and distribution platform are not reliable.

Virtual selling is a multi-faceted avenue to increasing sales. A balance of digital, phone and field sales must be fine-tuned and optimized for success. With the future remaining uncertain, adaptability and agility are key to business success.

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